Is a Bryston 3B SST2 enough for Magnepan 3.7i or 20.7?


I currently have a Bryston 3B SST2 with BP26 Preamp.  My current speakers are Magnepan .7s with a small KEF sub.  I love the combination but am getting the upgrade bug.  

I'm just not sure the 3B SST2 has enough power to drive the 3.7i's or even the 20.7s well.  I do not listen at very high volume levels, as a good deal of my listening is late at night after everyone else is asleep.  That is another concern is that will the amp drive them well at very low volume?  Not sure I would need the sub with the 3.7s or 20.7s.

Appreciate any thoughts from Bryston and Maggie owners.




Showing 2 responses by terry9

I agree with Elizabeth and Almarg.

I spent all my loot on Tympani 1a's back in the day, and got by with lesser amps for years. It was a very good decision. 20.7's all the way!
Random memory trace just surfaced. 

I used the Bryston 3B SST on one pair of Tympani II, I believe it was, and a 4B SST on another pair of Tympanis, running in parallel. Could not tell the difference at moderate listening levels.