Is a Bryston 3B SST2 enough for Magnepan 3.7i or 20.7?


I currently have a Bryston 3B SST2 with BP26 Preamp.  My current speakers are Magnepan .7s with a small KEF sub.  I love the combination but am getting the upgrade bug.  

I'm just not sure the 3B SST2 has enough power to drive the 3.7i's or even the 20.7s well.  I do not listen at very high volume levels, as a good deal of my listening is late at night after everyone else is asleep.  That is another concern is that will the amp drive them well at very low volume?  Not sure I would need the sub with the 3.7s or 20.7s.

Appreciate any thoughts from Bryston and Maggie owners.




Showing 10 responses by maplegrovemusic

The lower the volume you listen at the bigger the amp I would get . Seems counterintuitive , but your going to get bass at lower volumes with a bigger amp . You may not put an importance on bass though . 
I would be hesitant to use the 3 series with 3.7's. It might work if your in a tiny room. I would recommend a minimum of 7 or 14 series if you are in a larger room and listen at 70db or louder. 
Sorry man , You can throw all the mathematical equations out to support a low power amp will drive a speaker the same as a larger amp does  . If the speaker was 100 db efficient , then we can say that will work . Not going to happen with magnepan though .
You obviously have no experience with Magnepan my friend . No need to chat about them further with you . 
Yeah , Stick with the 3 series and be content . Bryston makes larger amps for the hell of it . 
no , no , no  - With speakers like maggies  you are going to want to bring to the table a much larger amp for low level listening . Speak from experience here . Owned mag , 1.6 , 1.7 , and 20.1 . Owned a 4bsst2 and a 14bsst2 at the same time I owned the 1.6 . The 14 series at lower volumes did exactly as I stated . What more can I say .
Just get any 50 watt amp . Its all you will ever need for one of the hardest to drive speakers on the market. Great advice . Any more brilliant pointers we should be aware of ?
what efficiency speaker does this law of physics apply to you speak of ? Your saying a ten watt amp is all that is needed for a Magnepan 3.7i ? Okay Then !