Is a Bryston 3B SST2 enough for Magnepan 3.7i or 20.7?


I currently have a Bryston 3B SST2 with BP26 Preamp.  My current speakers are Magnepan .7s with a small KEF sub.  I love the combination but am getting the upgrade bug.  

I'm just not sure the 3B SST2 has enough power to drive the 3.7i's or even the 20.7s well.  I do not listen at very high volume levels, as a good deal of my listening is late at night after everyone else is asleep.  That is another concern is that will the amp drive them well at very low volume?  Not sure I would need the sub with the 3.7s or 20.7s.

Appreciate any thoughts from Bryston and Maggie owners.




Showing 2 responses by lhasaguy

I think the Bryston is underpowered for the Maggies.  I own 3.6 Maggies and my first amp with them was an Audio Research 150.2 amp.  It also speced out at 150 into 8 ohms and 300 into 4 ohms.

Maggies need a lot of current.  You cannot bring out their true essence without more power.

I am now running McIntosh MC501 mono blocks and the difference is huge.

Just one guys opinion.  I have had my current set up for 11 years now as I am not a chaser of gear.  Happy to listen to the music now.
I would argue against Elizabeth for one of the first times in my postings.  Moving up in power made my 3.6s much more revealing from an amp with half the power.

That is at all levels to my ears.   150 into 8 and 300 into 4 soes not so them justice, even at lower levels.

You Can enjoy the Maggies with less power, no question.   But IMHO they bloom at all levels with a bigger amp.

Just one old guys view