IROC DAC or PS Audio Ultra DAC / Digital lens

I am exploring DAC's for My Mini Mac computer based music server the PS Audio Ultra DAC / Digital Lens and Larry Moore and his IROC . These are the two products that look most interesting to Me as of now . I was wondering if any people who went to RMAF had a chance to hear both of them and any thoughts.I did have a chance to hear the IROC once at a Cincinnati audio club meeting but this was before I set up My own music server. I would be using either optical [ Toslink } or USB out of the Mini Mac I just copy CD'S to My hard drive in AIFF and have no Hi Res downloads just looking for very good sound.I may in the future want the ability to do Hi Res files 24/96 but that is down the road a little bit I am still learning all this upsampling /oversampling /24/96 / 24/192 ect. just trying to figure it all out. I now use a older Cal alpha DAC with 24/96 upgrade and a Toslink cable sounds good but know there are better DAC'S out there. Thanks for any thoughts Marc

Showing 1 response by ridgestreetaudio

iRoc vs. Musicstream: I've had the opportunity to listen extensively to both. The iRoc is a special DAC. If you need a modestly priced DAC, get an iRoc and call it "Done!". It doesn't merely do very good digital, it does exceptional music.

If you need something that rivals or exceeds the virtues of a top flight analog front end, get a Musicstream. It's absolutely superb and not a small step up from the iRoc!

Shazam, wished you could have heard the Musicstream in the context of our room/system at RMAF. Sonically, we weren't trying to spotlight any particular piece of gear but rather present a musical system where you could appreciate the virtues of a given piece of gear in regards to its contribution in a system. In that context, I believe the Musicstream shined and, while I wouldn't say we had the "Best" room at the show (I don't think anyone had a "best" by what I heard...), we did have one of the more enjoyable rooms evidenced by quite a few folks who came back more than twice for an extended listen. This was no small thanks to Ultra Fi's electronics contribution.

Short of it: Depending on what you're willing to spend, you'll do very very well with either.

Disclaimer: I have no business interest in Ultra Fi. Mr. Moore and I have simply become fans admirable of each other's work.

