Introspective of this forum: "Does the Audiophile Community Have a Promlem?" I Say yes!!!

This article is so insightful to this forum and the toxicity in the community. (My Opinion)

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone?

I know I have contributed to the toxicity here and will try to be a better citizen. Hopefully some will read this and see they are part of the problem (LOL)

Some will not and continue to play their roll as the Toxic Avenger.


There is a particular board on a specific forum that was hidden from the outside world because of how horrible it was. Where personal politics and racism was the norm 24-7 and one member even committed suicide after months of abuse. We watched him fight with other members on a daily basis and get a lot of heat back. He was fine most of the time when dealing with him on a individual basis but then he descended into some really horrible commentaries about race and certain countries and he went down the rabbit hole into some dark places.

Websites like ASR hold zero interest for me because a lot of the users are just there to be “right” and make others feel very small because their views don’t align with certain points of view.


Showing 14 responses by jerryg123

Yes @mahgister I agree and those (I was one) who live by measurements may never know what music really sounds like.

This a journey and what works for you may not work for me in my listening environment.

Online forums like Audio Science Review and Facebook groups have decayed into battlegrounds between objectivists, subjectivists, cable lovers, cable haters, and those who are obsessed with measurements and feel a lot of power telling others who think their own listening experiences are what truly matters, that they are morons and fools.

A lot of these “measurement” cults don’t actually listen to the equipment they test and shred online and feel quite confident telling the acoustic and electrical engineers who design hi-fi products that they are frauds and only they are qualified to tell audiophiles what is good.

Could you imagine going on a Porsche forum and telling someone from that company that they don’t know how to design a proper engine; and that prospective customers should listen to you versus them? Because you know better from some tests an amateur posted on a forum.

It’s laughable on a good day and rather sad behavior.

@roxy54 that is your opinion and you are entitled to it.

was just provoking some thought.

Have a great evening.

I am a Bro Bot.

@limomangus I feel what you are saying and there are some audio snobs here as in any hobby. I say be happy with what you have if you are happy with it.

We can alway aspire to have better.

What puts me off are the measurements freaks and only see what’s on paper or a printout of a screen.  

@millercarbon I am sure the FB comment was not about the Tekton group but some of the other audio freak shows on FB.

This forum seems much more hateful and toxic than anything I've seen on ASR.

thanks for sharing. 

see you later.

@northman You are what is wrong with Pizza in the world.

Chicago has the best pizza in the US.

Going to North Haven for pizza is like traveling to Toronto for Mexican.  Or RSA for Chinese.

I am a PIZZABOT (not really I do not eat it anymore)

@larsman Just being a homer as I do not eat pizza at all anymore. Liked it all when I was younger. I do not eat bread, chips, fried foods or processed crap. Max of 2 gs of sugar a day from protein bars after a skate or run.

You all can enjoy your clogged arteries and type 2 diabetes.

BTW we do have thin crust in Chicago, Barnaby's in Arlington Heights and Schaumberg are awesome as  was Giovanni's  in Des Plains.

I am a Hockey Bot. 

Merry Festivis.

@larsman  I would never wish that on anyone. Two of my sons are Type 1 diabetic's and do quite well managing it. I feel for you.

@mijostyn You think I care about VW er Porsche? I hate cages to start with.

2 wheels or or walk. BTW you are a week late dude.

Merry Christmas and my Alpha will crush you kraut burner.

@mijostyn LOL I have Italian (Aprilia) and German motorcycles. Also just picked up a Triumph Speed Triple but we all know that is truly a Japanese bike.

Really have my eye on a KTM too.