Intimate, warm and holographic alternative

Me another time... Sorry for the inconveniences.

Yes, recently I started a discussion here with the title: " ATC SCM150 (or JBL Synthesis) (or JBL vintage) (or new Klipsch Jubilee)". See:
Last post from ohlala, advising that studio monitor type sound is not the most "enjoyable" for him, was revealing. I could hear yesterday an SCM20 (yes, I know it´s not comparable in many aspects with the SCM150) but the type of sound have not convinced me.

So now I´m more on the warm side, looking for a intimate and holographic sound with great scene. Really useful some old threadas about this, especially: 

I would like to hear personal opinions and experiences about the best speakers that give that musical sensation in which the devices "disappear". Suggestions, brand, models...

I was searching some brands and models and here are some that have caught my attention:

- Gershman Acoustics: Avant Garde
- Legacy Audio: Aeris + Wavelet
- Devore Fidelity: Orangutan O/96 (fatigue??; little too "in your face"??; fleshy bass??)
- Harbeth: 40.3 XD (not a true rock and roll speaker??)
- Klipsch
- Spendor
- Tannoy

Listening position is 9 feet from the speakers. My room is big: 41 square meters. I´m worried about bass. I hear a lot of music but specially rock, so I would like something capable.

Thanks so much to everyone. You are very helpful.


Showing 2 responses by audioguy85

Building a system is only as complicated as you make it😬....
Good clean power, a good amplifier/integrated matched to you speakers (considering impedance & efficiency and whether they have a warm, neutral or cold sound characteristics), quality cabling, a properly set up turntable/cartridge, a treated room ( no, i do not mean crazy sh#t hanging from walls and ceilings), proper speaker placement...thats it! It is not rocket science! do not need a sub if you bought the right pair of speakers in the first place. Save the subs for the home theater please . You are destroying what the designer, engineer, builder, whatever....intended in the manufacturing of the speaker, why would you want to do that? Smh
This guy describes the Tannoy Legacy Eatons as sounding holographic....I’d have to agree, as I own them.

"What the Eatons did was to pick up the lead singer, Mark E. Smith, and drag him forward into new space. Then they placed air and space around him. I felt that I could have risen from my chair and walked around him. That was how crafted the image was. Not so much 3D as hologrammatic!

Then there is this one:
"The soundstage of the Legacy Eaton was so spatious that I could take a swim in it. The old vinyl record of Count Basie’s orchestra acquired a completely new dimension as did the Ravels’’s Nocturne from Daphnis and Chloé (Serge Brando, Czech Philharmonics). The look into the pastoral landscaper was so seducing through the Legacy Eatons that I played the track several times in a row"