Intimate Live Acoustic Recordings

Put away all the Christmas decorations and tree yesterday - all located in listening area. What a difference! All the Christmas stuff must have been sucking up half the music. Anyway, revisited two live acoustic recordings, first an old MTV Unplugged Collection (I think the first with Paul Simon, Rod Stewart, Elton John, etc) and then Clapton's Unplugged. Both have superb SQ, very "in the room" sounding even at low volume levels. There must be a few more of these gems out there - any recommendations? 

Showing 1 response by wharfy

Great topic, mcondo!

Hot Tuna's first record.

Christian McBride Live at the Village at the Village Vanguard.

Macy Gray's jazz record, Stripped. And while not performed in front of a live audience, the album is recorded live with the microphones placed at ear level, head width. Sounds like an intimate jazz club.