inteview with Peter Lyngdorf Very interesting

I came across another interesting video I wanted to share. interview is with Peter Lyngdorf really makes you see how deeply connected with the audio industry he is and gave much more aka street cred to Lyngdorf who up until now I thought was new to the industry how little did I know.

Thanks for the link.  Enjoyed watching the interview a couple of weeks ago.  I’ve owned an NAD integrated since 1989 when Peter was involved with the co.  Replaced it with a Lyngdorf 2170 almost 2 years ago.  I’m overdue to check out Dali speakers.  Rubicon and Epicon lines.
Thanks for the link! Goodness he sure is active and successful. I own his 2170 digital power dac and Dali Epicon 6 speakers. The combo is very special sounding.  Big fan of his products.  He certainly is cutting edge.