Internal Wire Upgrade for SME V


Showing 6 responses by rauliruegas

@frogman  : Don't waste your time with so poor knowledge level people.

Ignorance is everywhere in the world.

Dear @keegiam : I respect mijostyn but he is only ( I think in good shape ) distressing you in something that is way important for you and that makes a paramount difference for the better, the up-date is real.

And @frogman put the nail where hurts: the extremely sensitive cartridge signal is the one that we want to enjoy at maximum quality level we can achieve and things are that the very first system link that not only touch but that where the cartridge beloved signal must pass through around 1.5m from the output cartridge pins to the phono stage input is exactly the tonearm wire and IC cable.

Other than the cartridge/tonearm ( mechanical match. ) the most importan system link is those ones no matters what. Any tiny cartridge signal you losted in that 1.5m. not only we can’t recovery it’s lost for ever and goes against the quality levels of what we are listening and additional to that a superlative wire as the AN puts lower levels of everykind of distortions developed during the 1.5m. signal trip.

As tou said this is the rigth time to do it for you and think that the rewiring is not at all rocket science as some gentlemans think and maybe they think that way by very low knowledge levels.

If I was you then I go a head with, don’t distress about just do it.

Btw, tell the technician that he uses too female silver conectors in the tonearm rewired input.

Dear @cardani , if I remember you have a true SME expert technician that even refurbish SME tonearms and is in Canada. Maybe you can help to the OP  with the email or something. Sorry to disturb you.


Dear @keegiam :  The best wire/cable qualituy performance level are made it with pure silver, cooper is not even near the fenomenal silver quality.

I never heard in a tonearm the Kondo silver rewire but I listened in my system the Audio Note KONDO SUT that is 100% silver by KONDO extremely expensive but not in a diferent league than my AU-1000.

What I recomend to you is to rewire your V with Audio Note ( UK. ) silver wiring all the road to the phono stage inputs, this is that the IC cable is just continuous from the cartridge output pins directly to the input phono stage. This is the best you can have it no matters what.

This is Audio Note:

series AN-wire-300.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,