Internal DAC quality vs external DAC's

Considering what path/options to take on a 2channel streaming setup !!!


I'm considering integrated amps from the likes of Hegal H120/H190, Peachtree Nova 150, Anthem STR and the NAD M10 V2

I would like to hear some opinions on their internal DAC's and how they would compare to external DAC's under $1500. (Aries 2 and Bitfrost seem to be a popular choices.)

Or perhaps the better question might be, What price point would best the internal DAC's of these units ?

I'm not looking for exact detail, just some information to help guide me through the integrated vs separates debate. 


Showing 3 responses by rockophile221

So without sounding like jerk, would someone please explain to me why a DAC should not be a part of an integrated box ?

I've read this multiple times but never with clarification as to why.

It's hard for me to believe that this is somehow an issue with the 4 products I've listed in my original post. 

Yes, another all in one with a DAC !!!

Could you please give a/some comparison to it's internal DAC...... 

I like the one and done concept !!!

It's why I'm looking at the NAD M10 V2, it's an all in one streamer that can be controlled via phone/tablet.

The crazy part to all this is, each devise I've listed all have something I want. None with all the features I'd like, go figure.