Intergrated amp upgrade ?

I presently have a Rotel A12 and enjoy it, but thinking about upgrading to an Arcam SA-30 or a Parasound Halo 2.1, I’m running AE - 509’s for speakers. This is a bedroom system is is played at low levels. Will upgrading amp improve the sound quality at lower volume levels? Anyone have experience with either intergrated amp. and thoughts on both?


Showing 1 response by deadhead1000


Elliot is correct, you need an amp with a loudness control, or at least tone controls, you lose a lot of music at the top and bottom end playing at low volume, it's just the way the ear works. Both those amps are great sounding, but will not make a dramatic difference in sound at low volume, and will not accomplish what you want. 

Another solution is to add a small sub to what you have (there are many small powered subs now available that can fit almost anywhere), and try that first.