Interfacing Computer Music to D/A Converter ?

I'm really unfamiliar with this territory, perhaps someone can shed some light. Or links for more info.

Say i have a laptop computer and i store songs in my laptop either i-tunes or aiff files or applelossless.

I have a Benchmark dac 1. How do i interface the two in such that my laptop becomes the transport / source which can feed the songs to the Benchmark which in turn plays music to my hi fi system ?

Is using my laptop a better transport that say a dedicated cd player like marantz or pioneer dvd player ?

tks for info. highly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by clio09

Audioengr - those prices seem pretty reasonable. I have the North Star Model 192 transport which you are familiar with. I also own the Audio Mirror, as well as the Monarchy M24 which I'm pretty sure uses the CS8414, I assume adding a I2S input to either of these can be accomplished so I can run the I2S output from the North Star. Am I correct?

As for sound, if I recall the North Star will give me the option of upsampling from the I2S output to 24/192, since the Audio Mirror is redbook only and the Monarchy is either redbook or 24/96, will I be losing anything sonicallly.