Interesting video on cables

At the risk of opening up this can of worms again, my brother sent me this video.  It’s incredibly interesting and goes some way to showing why cables matter and that all cables are not equal.  These are USB cables but I’m sure the principle applies to speaker and IC cabling.




Showing 1 response by tjassoc

Gentlemen - cables certainly make a difference.

The purpose of a cable is to transmit a signal while causing the least harm. Or, stated another way - with the highest fidelity.

Technically, how do cable transfer the signals? Explaining the many parts of a well designed and constructed cable requires a good technical understanding of electricity, metallurgy, dielectrics, electro-magnetics and physics. Each cable design and construction becomes critical for premium performance.

With a great system, set up in a treated room to perform optimally - it's easy to hear differences between cables.