Interesting video on cables

At the risk of opening up this can of worms again, my brother sent me this video.  It’s incredibly interesting and goes some way to showing why cables matter and that all cables are not equal.  These are USB cables but I’m sure the principle applies to speaker and IC cabling.




Showing 10 responses by jastralfu

@bigtwin yeah when I saw the board with power supplies and integrated circuits it blew my mind.  The CT scan was amazing as well.

@soix I agree and understand that this particular application of USB cable is geared towards computer applications, the point I’m trying to make is that not all cables are equal.  This video is a great example of that even if it’s not audio specific.  Audio specific cables have different levels of quality and engineering as well.  By the way, I’m currently using my MacBook Pro as a source for streaming and I think I’m pretty serious about audio.  I think my system sounds good.  It’s just where I’m at in the process right now.  I’m not sure which streamer I want to go with and since I’m happy at the moment with the sound I have I’m taking my time sorting it out and the Tidal and Qobuz interfaces on the Mac are outstanding which may or may not be the case with streaming interfaces.  I had the HiFi Rose 250a for a bit but the interface was a bit crap and my Denafrips/Mac combo sounds better to me.  I know folks around here frown on computers as steamers but it works for me at the moment.

@soix the quote from my post made me realize I'm was not clear in what I was attempting to say.  I did not intend to state that the Thunderbolt cables in the video were at all similar to audio specific cables.  When I said that the "principle" applied, the principle to which I was referring is the idea that not all cables are the same, not that audio specific cables are manufactured the same way Thunderbolt USB cables are.  I see why you said something, the way I wrote the comment was not clear as to my intended meaning.  Maybe the mistake was using computer USB cables, as an example that some cables are better than others, in an audiophile forum :).  By the way, I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that the streamer that is going to make the difference is somewhere above $5k and I'm suffering a bit of paralysis by analysis at the moment since it's large investment and I don't want to get it wrong.  The interface and ease of use are important to me, not as much as the sound and quality of the device of course, but I suppose I just need to get out and see things in person to get a better idea of what appeals to me.  Thanks for the discussion. I, generally, learn things from your posts and appreciate your input.

@soix, it’s all good.  I did hear a significant improvement when I switched from my MA8900 internal DAC, connected to my Mac via USB, to the HiFi Rose.  The Rose was a little glitchy so I returned it and bought the Pontus II 12th Anniversary DAC.  The Pontus II connected to my Mac sounds every bit as good as the HiFi Rose.  I have considered purchasing the Gaia DDC for the IS2 connection to see where that takes things.

@soix I love the Pontus, it is a great DAC.Thanks for the links and advice.  I was thinking I needed to go middle of the lineup for the DDC since the Pontus is kind of in the middle but good to know the Iris might be worth checking out, especially at around $400.

Ha!  I just looked at the Denafrips DDC lineup and i meant to say Hermes not Gaia.  @soix your link sorted that mistake out thanks!

@soix I have an MA8900 integrated, the Denafrips Pontus II 12th Anniversary, the speaker cables are Vogue Audio Silver Strand cables, OSD Aurum power cables for the DAC and the integrated and Fritz Rev 7 SE speakers sitting on 24” sand filled speaker stands.  I have some GIK bass traps installed behind the speakers and on the rear wall.  There’s more room treatment to do but it measures pretty well right now. 

@vthokie83 Thanks for all the great info.  Sounds like you were on a similar path with respect to DAC/DDC decisions. I think I'm leaning more toward the Hermes but will send Alvin a message and see what he says.

@helomech I agree it’s not an apples to apples comparison since they are two different applications (which I think I addressed in the conversation) but I disagree that cables don’t matter.  The quality of copper or silver or whatever conductive material matters as does the dielectric material.  It’s just as easy to find measurements that confirm that cables measure differently and affect sound quality, hence cable quality matters.  If a cable manufacturer claims something that turns out to not be true then I would not consider it a quality cable.  Outside of all the measurements it comes down to what folks hear and in my system at least cables have made a difference.  There are many other folks here who would make the same claim.

@deep_333 I’m not quite sure how to respond to your advice.  I don’t think I can take it seriously if you think that the Fritz stand mounts (I refer to them this way cause at their size they really aren’t bookshelf speakers) are dinky lil speakers goofed with by some guy in his garage.  Fritz speakers are well respected by many on this site and have been well received/reviewed.  He’s not just some guy tinkering in his garage.  Personally, I would put them up against many speakers at twice the price and that’s not because I own them but because they are that good.  They may not be my end game speakers, but whenever I have gone to listen to something that might be a replacement (Focal, Fyne, B&W, Sonus Faber) I always leave thinking the speaker I just heard might sound different but not better and probably not worth it at twice the price.  I also use stand mounts rather than floor standers due to space constraints, so, even if I agreed with you, the speakers you recommend are entirely too large for my listening space.