Interesting comment on Bose Speakers.....

 I’ve heard quite a few audiophile speakers that used expensive drivers in ways that...well, didn’t suit my taste. Quite a few speakers using Focal tweeters made me feel like that guy in the movie Seven Beauties who went to “better  @@%%@!. Say what you want about Bose but a Bose speaker never made me want to leave the room.

Showing 4 responses by roxy54


I know that happens on farms today and I said so. Were you and your mother on a farm when this happened?


I was actually dead serious. What kind of mother does that? But yeah, the Yanni thing too...


I'm still trying to understand what your mother was thinking when she allowed you to drive at 13 years old.


I am well aware that underage driving exists in rural farm areas, but it is totally inappropriate in urban and suburban areas, and there is no excuse for it, period. The example that you gave of the recent tragedy is a perfect illustration of that,