Interest in older SOTA audio and how that relates to your taste in other "things"..

This is nothing but a personal observation, but with me and  my closest friends...the intelligence and interest in consumer electronics/audio was not my or their only category they were selective/esoteric in their choices.

Be it cars, clothing, their homes,  art or most things that they, and other humans, owned/consumed.

Just to share and do delete if you find this trivial....but most of us and our parents/grandparents owned clocks.  Be they table, alarm, wall clocks.

A major producer of superb clock designs from the past  is/was Telechron.   They are often nearly classic art objects....and will bring compliments and conversation.

My interest in audio has been much like my interest in cars, music, art, and almost all  products that are used in a home...and very much the home itself. 

Garage sales and the internet sites/ebay are sources to see these clock designs. 

Take care, J

Showing 1 response by belyin

I appreciate handmade steel bicycles and classic Campagnolo components from back in the day when craftsmanship, serviceability, compatibility, and durability were the pertinent values instead of today when technology and marketing rule. And I like handmade tube equipment where the value is found in the intrinsic quality of the materials (i.e., transformers, tubes, etc.) and design--and not in high tech work arounds and marketing precepts.