Interconnects for MHDT Orchid

I am buying an MHDT Orchid and need some advice about RCA interconnects between the Orchid and a Hegel Integrated amp.  Speaker wires are Acoustic Zen Satori, speakers are Joseph Audio Rm25XL. Any suggestions about a good basic cable? Any Orchid users, what do you use?


i have used the garage1217 adapters for both 6dj8 and 6sn7 octals... they are well made and bring a whole world of old stock tubes into play for the mhdt tube buffered dacs

only downside is the top cover won’t fit or the tube + adapter will sit high above the top plate line of the unit, so you need to willing to run the dac ’nude’ or topless - that sounds a whole lot sexier than it actually is ... he he he

I used the 6922  adapter from Amazon and am currently using 7308 halo getter.  It seems to have more output than the 6922.  My favorite was the Amperx D getter 6922 from the late 50s early 60s.  I an leave the top on but the tube does stick further out.

Thanks for all the input about tubes. Any other suggestions about the cables and/or cables/tube combinations? Thanks