Interconnects and the Speaker Cables for the NAD C356 and PSB Synchrony One B

Which Interconnects and the speakers cables would you pair with the NAD C356 Integrated amplifier and the PSB Synchrony One B bookshelf speakers for the best sound.

Showing 1 response by e012389

I am driving PSB Image T6 speakers with a NAD C375BEE int amp along with a NAD C546BEE CDP.  After spending allot of time/money, I have settled (for now) on the following:

  • Calabrine Quadio Ultra Bi-Wire Speaker Cables
  • Audio Quest Pre-Amp Jumpers
  • Blue Jean ICs
  • Pangea Audio AC 14 Power Cables

The speaker cables and power cables (especially on the int amp) had the most influence on the overall sound of my NAD/PSB system.