Interconnects and phono pre

How important are interconnects that run between pre and phono? I am running AZ Absolutes from my amp to pre amp, but am using the entry level WOW interconnects between the pre and phono. Will upgrading these interconnects have the same effect as upgrading elsewhere in the system? Thanks.


Showing 1 response by nsgarch

My experience, which also confirmed the recommendation(s) of some designers of high end cable (Silver Cable, Magnan, Purist, MIT) is that it's a good idea (some said essential) to use the same cable between the tonearm >> phono preamp and the phono preamp >> preamp.

And many audiophiles, myself included, have come to the conclusion that the synergistic benefits of using the same make and model cables throughout their systems, outweigh the possible benefits of using a different/specialty type of cable at a particular location. Of course, this approach assumes that a given manufacturer makes products for all locations in your system, including power cords.
