Interconnect for my little sister

My little sister just won an auction here at Audiogon for a Soundstream DAC-1 for $101. She also got a new AIWA changer for $65.99 at eBay (the one Stan Warren recommends). The AIWA only has optical out, but I figured for what she's paying it's an overall good package.

I was wondering what's your recommendation for a reasonably priced interconnect and Toslink optical cable. She'd never understand (or fall for) why I would recommend a $125 pair of Tice interconnects. She only paid $101 for the DAC and $65.99 for the CD changer--right?

She's got an oldie but goodie NAD 7125 receiver and Yamaha NS-10M speakers.

Showing 1 response by sugarbrie

Take a look at some the the less expensive Zu Cable interconnects. Kimber PBJ is popular. One fo the cheapest that still performs decent is the Straight Wire Chorus ($39 a meter brand new at The SW Chorus is also Purple, if color matters to her (WAF in training, Ha!!).

I really like the MAS cables made by Stu Wein at Audioparts@AOL.COM the best. He sells his Black interconnect for about $50 meter pair. It is more neutral and analog than most other cables I have tried under $100. His Blue cable is pretty decent for $30 a meter (I would pick the Blue over the Chorus).

An inexpensive Toslink may mean a trip to Best Buy??