Intel Mac Mini

Apple has just introduced the new Mac Mini Solo and Duo (dual core processors). Interestly, the new Mac Minis sport digital optical audio inputs and outputs. No longer are Mac Mini owners limited to using USB transfer devices to getting digital audio output. Read some of the details here:

Obviously, Steven Jobs has picked up on the idea of using the Mac Mini as a media hub. The new Mac Mini even sports a matching remote control for navigating media tracks and controlling volume.

I am so glad I have waited on buying a new PC for my next digital transport. Coupled with a FireWire drive or Network Attached Storage (NAS) device, I am now ready to take the plunge into a hard drive transport.

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I just got my system setup today to stream music from iTunes on my Mac G5 wirelessly via Airport Express to my EMM Labs DCC2 DAC. I use a Wireworld Toslink cable with an adapter that allows me to map the regular Toslink terminator on my Wireworld cable to a mini-Toslink plug that can plug into the Airport Express. The sound is absolutely superb!!! So, the folks who end up with the Mac mini as their music hub are in for a real treat.