Integrated vs. Separates on a Budget

$3000 is my max.



Showing 37 responses by klimt

Thanks Guys!  You're awesome!

I actually posted this in another thread.   I'd really like a good pre amp and streaming capability while staying under budget, if possible.


I've been wanting to upgrade my system for a long time now.

My system currently consists of a pair of B&W 630's, an old Denon 50 watt reciever (DRA-550) from the mid 80's,  and a Marantz 5004 cd player.  I'm pretty happy with all three.

I'm looking to get into vinyl and The Project Debut Carbon turntable was recommended.  I listened to it but wasn't amazed by it. So I sent it back.

I then called my local audio store and the salesman said that if the system sounds good with cds but not with the turntable then the weak link is probably the phono pre amp.

So, he recommended the NAD C388 integrated amp which has the added benefit of more power (150 watts per channel) and bluetooth as well (something I definitely want).  He did qualify it by saying that reciever/amp technology hasn't changed much over the years.

He also recommended an upgrade of the turntable cartridge to the Sumiko Rainier.

Just thinking out loud.  I'd be open to adding a bluetooth and a new phono preamp to the Denon, but I'm not sure if that would be better.

PS. Someone mentioned that the NAD had a cooler sound, but I definitely prefer a warmer sound.  HTH

I think it's time to upgrade the Denon. It has a nice sound, but I'm looking for something better.



You should list these things before any realistic recommendation! 

1. What speakers are you using? B&W DM630's

2. What size is your room? Not sure. 12 x 17 l love the room. Makes a huge difference.

3. Do you want tubes or SS?  I prefer a warmer sound not sure if SS can be that.

4. New or used? Used is ok if it still has a warranty.

5. What features do you need?  A good preamp and streaming capability. Definitely want these. Again, TIA



Thanks for the info.  Could you post a link for the Parasound 'new classic'.


Also,  I think I read somewhere that the Parasound does not have a pre amp.  Could you recommend a good, but relatively cheap one?

And I definitely want streaming capability which ( I think) the Parasound doesn't have. 

Another recommendation would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again.

I live in Suffolk County NY.  Anyone know of some good places to demo the gear?

AudioDen's showroom is under construction.   I'd normally go there.


Thanks jd!

Forgive me if you answered this, but which integrated amp do you recommend that has enough power and the features I"m looking for?

Also, that's in my budget.

What do you think of the NAD c388?


I hear what your saying, but I'm very happy with my speakers.  You might be right about the 3K difference though. The salesman at my local audio store said amp technology has not changed since the mid 80's.



As I mentioned I'm looking to get back into Vinyl and want to get a new turntable.

I'm considering this entry level table : Pro-Ject-Debut-Carbon-EVO.

I think the Denon's phono stage needs to be upgraded.  I'd also would like the option to stream.


Thanks guys!

Can I hook up the bluesound node streamer with my Denon with out an added DAC?

If a DAC is needed could you recommend a good albeit relatively cheap one.

Forgive my ignorance.


Lot of information missing. Is a remote needed? NO

How many inputs? Not sure.

Does it matter if the room gets warmer? You mean with tubes? Not sure what you mean.

Is a phono stage needed? Yes, I'd like to improve on the Denon.

Is a dac needed?…..Yes. Streaming as well.


Anyone know of any online sites such as Crutchfield where I can return the item if I"m not  happy with the sound quality?


I'm seriously thinking about this Parasound integrated, as this will allow me to buy a better table.


Also, as I mentioned I'm happy with my speakers and this is a one time upgrade.


Ok, thanks again.

Can anyone recommend a cheap/good phono amp so I can test out the Project Debut Carbon over the Holidays?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Guys!


smrex, could you post a link to purchase the Schiit Mani? It's not avail on Crutchfield , amazon or music direct.  It has been recommended to me in the past.

I'd buy used from audiogon but I can't seem to find it anywhere.

I've got alot of good vinyl and am looking to put it to good use.



I was going to test the ProJect table with a decent but cheap phono amp and keep 

the table if I like it.  After that I plan on buying a decent amp most likely an integrated with a good phono amp

I'll consider the Parks :Puffin though. 

Thanks again guys!

I have a really dumb question. Why are tube amplifiers with low wattage (ex. 20 watts per channel) generally as good or better than SS amps with higher wattage (100+watts per channel).  How are they able to power my B&W's for example? I guess not all watts are created equal. I've always wondered about this an haven't heard an explanation that makes sense to me



Thank You.  That's very generous.  Would love to try the Music Hall phonostage .
