Integrated Tube Amp approx. $2,500

I'm looking for suggestions on integrated tube amps in the $2,500 range, give or take a few hundred. My speakers are Klipsch Cornwall IVs with a Musician Pegasus II dac. I found the Black Ice Fusion F22 V.2 which looks interesting, but not a lot else in my price range. Thanks.


In my systems, to my ears, the MOSFET-based Yamaha integrateds (especially the 2100 and 2200) outperformed all of the tube and hybrid integrateds I’ve owned, that includes the popular Rogue CMII and Pharaoh amps.

To my ears it has more of the tube strengths than most tube products I’ve heard/owned, without the typical drawbacks. 

The only tube amp I personally know of that gives them a run for the money (on balance) is the Cayin A88T. 

If you’re set on tubes, you might as well look for an integrated employing 300B tubes, since your speakers are quite efficient and don't do bottom octave bass anyway. 

I second looking at the Lejonklou Boazu. I think you could find a used Leben CS-300 on or close to your budget too. They have made a few different versions over the years because of tube availability. My preference would be the Leben.

I had not considered a solid state at all since I've really enjoyed the Cornwall IV pairing with tubes, but your suggestion @helomech regarding the Yamaha 1200-2200 intrigued me enough to put everything on hold and research them. 

I walked away from a fair a bit of research impressed with their capabilities, although somewhat concerned with how they might pair with the CW IVs, especially in the top end. 

That said, I found a 1200 that was essentially new, came with a 5 year factory warranty, and the ability to return within 30 days if I didn't like the pairing for only $2,100, so I decided to do the completely unexpected and purchased one. I know that had I not, I would always be curious, so at this point all I really have to lose is time. If it doesn't work out, I return it and resume my tube journey. 



Yeah if it’s risk free then no good reason not to. I had an 1100 prior to my 2100 and enjoyed it for years. It paired pretty well with Heresy IIIs I owned at the time. The X200 series Yamahas are a little less “forward” than their predecessors so hopefully that will make for good synergy with your CWs. 


   Just for giggles check out ESP Hi-Fi Bar in Denver ( web site ), sorry for lack of a link. They run above your budget, but they’ve paired Line Magnetic with Klipsch.  And their pics are great eye candy. Might make you consider a used unit, but they do generate a good amount of heat. My son rented the place for his office party. I’ll leave out the shameless plug for his Realestate business . 😆 Cheers, Mike B.