Integrated SS amps - Luxman vs. Simaudio Moon?

Instead of separates, I am considering a high quality integrated amp for my new system. The speakers I am considering (Verity Audio) are not hard to drive. The two brands at the top of my list are:

Simaudio Moon Evolution i-7 (or the new 700i) vs.

Luxman L-509u (or L-590Aii 30 wpc pure class A).

I have heard theses units in different systems at different dealers, and so not direct comparisons.

Any thoughts or suggestions?


That's really tough to wait that long for anything! Hope it works out for you and you get it Tues. I was strongly considering a 505u.
I have the 507u. Like it a lot so far. Is what happened in Japan perhaps the hold up with getting the 509u?
I have a 4mo old luxman 507u that I'm thinking of selling to go the "separate's" route if you're interested