Integrated S.E.T Amp and Bookshelf Speakers Recommendations

Greeting! When I was looking for a CD transport replacement I received great info and advice here.

Now that les fil #3 is adulting, I have my own office/library/hiding place. I am exploring lower wattage integrated SET amps and higher efficiency (92+) bookshelf stand-mount speakers, with a relatively flat signal response. I listen to lots of jazz; smaller chamber music groups and Early Music; acoustic bluegrassy, folk and the like. 

I'm looking for an amp that can do the following- liquid tonality with instruments; good realism and immediacy with voices; solid 3 dimensionality; sweet and airy treble; and defined decays. I want it all, lol.

I'm going to audition the following because these are names I have read about.

Elekit TU8600R, UnisonTriode 25, Sophia Electric Prodigy Dual Mono. Any others?

As far as speakers-Audio Note and Harbeth. Any others?

Budget-I'm listening and learning.

Anyone have any thoughts and recommendations?

Thanks again!



My $1500 KLH Model 3's are just as much fun to listen to as my Borresen X-3's @ 11K......Some say they are more musical than the Model 5's.  I Love Them.

Another great French speaker brand is J.M. Reynaud.  Much more laid back than the Triangle's I've tried.

JM Reynaud speakers are wonderful. I enjoyed many hours listening to a pair of Offrande Model 1s. But high efficiency, suitable for low watt tube amps they ain't.

Here’s the latest-I’m going to audition a Unison Simply Italy Integrated (It puts out 12 W using EL34’s and 12AU7’s) and Focal Aria 906’s (90db sensitivity/8 ohms). I’m starting at the upper middle/lower high end of my pricepoint for the room layout and situation. We shall see.....

I’m also going to audition DaCapo Ref 3A, Nola Boxer, Decware Zun Tube Tots, and Zu DWX. I have heard Triangle speakers, and for me, they do a lot of things well, but the high frequencies are harsh sounding due to tinnitus.

If I think I can do better than the Simply Italy, I’ll audition the Audio Note Cobra and Quicksilver EL84 integrated.

Stay tuned (or not).


If you are auditioning AudioNote amps, check out the Oto and Soro; they are a bit more than the Cobra but are much better.  In the Cobra’s price bracket, the Synthesis Audio integrated is much better.  I heard them side by side in a direct comparison playind  Audio Note AN-K, Harbeth 30.2 and ProAc Tablettes.  The higher up Synthesis amplifiers, like the A40 or A!00 models are better still and can anchor a truly great system.

Triangle speakers do have a slightly bright top end, but with good tube amps, they should not be harsh.  J.M. Reynaud speakers are a bit warmer and also good.  I would add ProAc to the list of speakers to audition too.  For something different, see if you can audition the open baffle speakers from Pure Audio Project (maybe st a show, I think they sell direct).  Their Trio 15 models sell for around $7500 and are shockingly good for the money.