Integrated for Cornwall IV

I'm currently running a Lyngdorf TDIA 3400 on my Cornwalls. Don't get me wrong, it sounds very good. To me the main selling point of the Lyngdorf is the Room Perfect Room correction. It's made a significant improvement on every speaker I've owned but on the Cornwalls not so much. Sometimes I prefer it off and sometimes on. On my Focals I just sold it was always on, no question.

So I am thinking of changing the Lyngdorf out for a Class A integrated or a tube integrated. Couple I've been eyeing are the Sugden A21SE, Ayon Spirit (guy I bought them from was using an Ayon integrated and it sounded really good), Octave V40??? Any suggestions very welcomed.  

Criteria: I like all kinds of music so needs to play metal/rock with impact as well as acoustic type music. Must have a preout for subs. 




It also depends how loud you play it.  Cornwall are very efficient and are fast, dynamic, clear, bass authority, but subs help.

A 25W Pass will drive them or Luxman or Sugden.  The Pass integrated is pricy but excellent.  I had an 20W Aegir and it kicked out, thus the Pass.  I have a Khozmo passive because gain is not needed.  Some like flavor with a preamp.Personally those little 5W tube amps are fine if you don't go over 85dB or so.

Not the same, but I have a pair of Cornwall decorators that are modded with a lot of bracing, Crites Xover and Crites super tweeters. 

I drive them with a low watt EL84 SE amp, a low watt single ended SS VFet amp, Push Pull EL34 tube, 100 watt class A/B SS, some misc class d amps and a Class A SS amp. The SS Class A 30w amp is by far the most engaging, with PRAT, dynamic/tight bass,  a 3D soundstage and tons of rich texture/tone. 

Class A SS amp, tube front end works really well for me on the older Cornwalls  


I have a sugden a21 se signature with Cornwall IIIs and it’s sublime.  Incredible synergy.  Clean and open yet warm and full.  It’s a superb match.  

You have speakers with 102db at 1W which means you can use amplifiers with only 0.7W. You have a lot of choices, class A amplifiers like the Sugden (also check the INT25 out) but also valve amplifiers. I also like the philosophy behind the FirstWatt SIT-4, which has SIT transistors (they have characteristics similar to valve triodes).