Integrated for around 1K to match with..

Looking for suggestions on an itegrated amp to go with a Denon DVD-2500 as trans. Bel Canto DAC-1 and a pair of Coincident Triumph Signatures. I currently have a set of Rogue M-120's and an Anthem Pre1L, but would like to free up some space. Hunt

Showing 2 responses by onhwy61

Recommend you proceed with caution. At MRSP, you will give up sound quality in switching to an integrated at the $1,000 price level. Would recommend stretching to $1,500 at which Audio Research CA50 (used) are attainable. Musical Fidelity also makes some highly rated units at this price point. Also saw a posting today for a Goldmund integrated for, I believe, $1,300. If you're a tube lover, the Goldmund may not be to you taste, but it's a very high quality unit. Good luck.
I defer to Dekay as to the price of used AR CA50. My info on its price was from the other post.