Integrated Amps

I'm debating whether to upgrade my Marantz integrated with a better performing and higher powered integrated or simply add a separate amp and use the Marantz as a pre-amp. I've looked at stepping up to the Marantz model 30 or 40n, PS Audio Stellar Strata, Music Fidelity M5si/M6si. But then the Heaven 11 Billie caught my eye.

Has anyone had any experience with the Heaven 11 Billie integrated amp? It's a hybrid class D amp w/ a tubed pre-amp. The reviews I've watched seem to give the unit high marks for sound quality, presentation, sound stage, and because of the tubed pre-amp, an analog warmth to the otherwise "cold" sound of a class D amp.



Showing 5 responses by bipod72

@grislybutter It was the British Audophile review that peaked my interest in the Heaven 11. But it's newness gives me a bit of pause but considering they're offering a 5yr warranty at least they're standing behind the product. Considering the Mk2 is sold out, I suspect they'll be releasing a Mk3 but who knows when that might be. 

The pause I have on Music Fidelity is that neither of the models I"m looking at have a headphone amp. I consider that to be a basic feature and I'm not really interested in buying a separate headphone amp and bypass just to listen to my cans at night.

The Rogue seems intriguing. I'm leaning towards the PS Audio but I'm not pulling the trigger on anything until after the first of the year so I have time to do a little more research. 

@soix I'm looking for more power than the 50W the Marantz has, as I plan to upgrade my speakers later this Fall. Key features for me are a good integrated phono stage, headphone amp, digital inputs, 100wpc, good sound quality, and a touch of warmth.

Lots of great advice everyone! I do appreciate it. I've been doing more research the last couple of days and taking closer looks at the NAD c399, MF MSi6, Hegel H95, PS Audio Stellar Mk2, Rogue Sphinx V3, and a few others.

The speaker upgrade I'm currently leaning towards are the Monitor Audio silver 300 7Gs and then determine my integrated amp option. 100 wpc minimum with adequate digital inputs, with a headphone amp. A phono stage isn't a deal breaker but an HDMI for TV connection would be a plus. 

For the Music Fidelity owners, since the MF M6Si does not have an internal headphone amp, have any of you used the line level out to a separate headphone amp? I'm wondering if that would work.

@gano, I have the first dibs on that Bille amp since I asked about it to begin with!!!!! Just kidding. 

I'm curious when the Mk3 will come out and if it will address the minor issues @michaelalan highlighted in his response.