Integrated Amplifiers - Luxman vs Pass Labs

Hello All,


This is my first post here at Audiogon.

My current amplifier is the Luxman L-550axii and my speakers are the Marten Django L and Coherent Audio 15 (coaxial speakers with 15" woofer and high efficiency of approximately 98db).

I'm contemplating making a move with my integrated.  I'm considering the Luxman 590axii or one of the current Pass Labs Integrated's.  I haven't had a chance to listen to the 590 and I've never listened to a Pass product before and the opportunity just doesn't present itself to be able to demo any at a dealer's or in-home.  

I'm hoping those that have heard both the Luxman and any current Pass Integrated could chime in with their thoughts about them and the direction you would go given my speakers. 

In the future, I may look at replacing the Coherent speakers with Audio Note AN-J or AN-E.  Any experience out there with Luxman or Pass Labs and Audio Note speakers??

Thank you to all who chime in with your experience and thoughts!


Showing 4 responses by runwell

@bigkidz +1 

It is so true that the sound is coming out of the system which contains a lot of things.

I try to replace my 4tc speaker cable with 12tc speaker cable, which is much heavy. I think it will be better sound, you know what? The sound is more tube like,but slow.

I can not stand with the slow sound and I changed back and found the original feeling. What feeling? Once I have the time, I won't stop listening.That is really magic things to me.


Language to say the sound, other people's language to say the sound, and you ask so specific point. It is not a easy job.

Some time the taste of sound make the purchase decision, and not any other things.

I am really think the big difference of these 2 brands is the taste of  house sounds. Some choose pass,and others choose luxman. I personally love luxman, and their design have more understanding of the sound.

Go and listen by yourself is my suggestion.

Let us talk about soup.

Pass is just clear soup,some one love it,some one hate it. But in my word,Pass is a decent clear soup.

Luxman is a meat soup, just  like borscht,some  one love it,some one do not. They give you a lot of taste. I love it


@ddafoe fully agree!  Pass is a very good SS amp compared with  bunch of other amplifiers.

It is really unfair to compare with tube one, as they are in 2 different leagues. You can not compare apple with orange.