Integrated amplifier for Fritz Speakers

Hi All,

I started a discussion about "Monitors for 14 x 20 Room" back last November. There was a lot of good advice and Fritz Speakers kept being positively mentioned.

At the time, I thought WAF would be low for a larger sized monitor. Now I think I have the stage set for Fritz speakers and am thinking either new Carreras or Carbons. 

I would prefer an integrated amp because it is one less piece of equipment io place in in a constrained space.

I would also prefer solid state to solid state, in order to have this system as problem free as possible.

Your ideas and suggestions, please 








Showing 1 response by audionoobie

I'm glad someone with a lot more experience and higher post count mentioned it before me (soix), but I have yet to find a speaker that the humble 75W Belles Aria couldn't drive. In fact I demoed the Fritz Carbon 7 with the Belles and it was a great pairing. In speaking with Fritz, it was apparent that he also loves David Belles' products.