Integrated amp

I'm putting together  2nd/bedroom system. Any advice on a integrated amp? I would be using Silverline 17s, or Tetras. The Silverlines need some juice to come alive. A friend suggest Onkyo 9050, Cambridge Topaz 20 as possibilities. Opinions and suggestions would be most helpful.

Showing 1 response by gdnrbob

The Tetra's look interesting. I'd lean towards those instead of the Silverline's.
Both seem to be fairly efficient, and rated at 8 ohms, so they shouldn't be power hungry, but I never listened to either, so I could be wrong.
If going with monitors, you'll probably need a subwoofer to plumb the lower frequencies.
The Onkyo 9050 looks nice, but I think the integrated DAC would be its' weak point.
Do you have a budget for the integrated amp?