Integrated amp with preamp tubes

Hi All,

I'm curious with perhaps downsizing my Bryston 3B3 & VTL 2.5(tube) with a good quality Integrated amp. 

Question: Are there integrated amps with a tube pre inside ? Would that be called a "Hybrid" integrated ?

I really like the tube/Solid state combo. I like a little warmth with my music. I'm just kicking tires at the moment. I know many will say that separates are the best way to go, but still curious to do some research on quality Integrated amps.Probably looking at $4000usd(used)

Love to hear some input, thanks in advance.



speaking of tube power, by the way, my VAC's 60 watt/ch in ultra linear mode sounds very powerful with my two way 89db floorstanders in 250 square feet room. In fact, you can feel the power even at low listening levels. I like this a lot too.

Pathos makes one.  I know someone who loves his but I have never heard it.  I've also heard this type of hybrid referred to as the "worst of both worlds".  

I am a big fan of full tube.  In fact I have tube DAC.  I have 3 sets of DHTs in series.  

I expect to replace tubes occasionally but hardly ever do.  I do enjoy trying different tubes.  


I began my latest audio journey with a Willsenton R8 tube integrated amp. I loved it and the sound. I then decided to go the hybrid route and bought a McIntosh MA 352 - a beautiful integrated. It sounds great, but it does not sound like a tube integrated amp.  I recently ended up with an AVM 6.2 ME - fully solid state integrated. It sounds as warm and inviting as the MA 352 with a bit more detail and clarity. Both the MA 352 and AVM sound great, but neither has the incredible holographic mid range that my friend’s Vac Sigma tube amp brings.  It might be the hybrid design or it might be, as some write in these posts, that modern tube amps have moved towards solid state sound. From time to time I think about selling what I have getting all tubes. Then I listen a bit and love the sound. Not sure if this adds anything other than (1.) I’m not sure the hybrid design necessarily adds what people think it will add and (2.) in the end, it all comes down to personal preference.  

Primaluna EVO series hybrids, Advance Paris, Vincent Audio, Rogue Audio and several more. Some you might have to buy used at your price point. Love Tube amps but they get hot and power tubes are expensive. Hybrids are always a good choice.

I own a Riviera Levante integrated amplifier, which has tubes in the input stage and I'm very happy. It also allows users to choose 30W in class-A or, when more power is required, 120W (into 8 ohms) in "high-bias" class-AB.