Integrated amp with internal DAC?

Is there such a thing as an integrated amp w/ DAC? And to take it further, with a USB input?

I'm almost certain I found one a while back but maybe I dreamed it?
Second the Decco. Excellent build, swiss-army knife functionality, good sound, all the features he needs, and well under budget.
I represent various interesting digital products and I will be receiving an integrated amplifier with USB input. email me for a full desciption.
Thanks chat soon
Heard the Bel Canto Integrated with DAC and USB input at the Stereophile 2007 Show in NYC. Outstanding sound playing through small Joseph Audio speakers.

Panasonic makes AV receivers with internal DACs and class D amplification. I use one in my TV setup, feeding digital output from DVD and TiVo boxes, and it works superbly. Less than $400 new. Has 5 channels and AM/FM, but who cares?
I second the Music Hall Mambo. Definitely in your price range and sounds great. You will have substantially more options if you consider receivers rather than just integrated amps.

Bryston B-60SST or B-100 SST C series (no USB input)
OK, i'm finding a few. Outlaw, bel canto, dared. I'm looking for my buddy and his limit is $1000 new or used for an integrated with an internal dac and a minimum of 50 watts ss or 60 watts tube.