Integrated Amp Upgrade-itis hitting....

Hey all. Put together a system with GoldenEar Triton 3's, a Marantz CD6005 and Musical Fidelity A3.2 integrated. Lately, been getting the itch to "upgrade" the amp though while excellent in function and aesthetics is getting a tad long in tooth. So, my mind has been wandering about something different. Top 2 options right now are a Marantz PM 8005 and Rogue Sphinx. I'm open to suggestions based on the above. I listen to a lot of electric blues and classic rock. A phono section is important as I do spin some vinyl as well. Just looking for some input from some fellow audio nuts....

Showing 1 response by rackon

The 8005 has a killer phono section and is a wonderful amp. We love our 8004; however, for you it might be more of a different flavor than a large step up. Your MF is no slouch.

If you're itching to play with tubes and want to take a true step up, I would skip the Sphinx and go straight to the Rogue Cronus Magnum II, new or used. Several Triton Two and Three owners are using it to good effect. There's also a good review of it on Enjoy The Music that paired it with the Triton Three.