Integrated Amp Upgrade-itis hitting....

Hey all. Put together a system with GoldenEar Triton 3's, a Marantz CD6005 and Musical Fidelity A3.2 integrated. Lately, been getting the itch to "upgrade" the amp though while excellent in function and aesthetics is getting a tad long in tooth. So, my mind has been wandering about something different. Top 2 options right now are a Marantz PM 8005 and Rogue Sphinx. I'm open to suggestions based on the above. I listen to a lot of electric blues and classic rock. A phono section is important as I do spin some vinyl as well. Just looking for some input from some fellow audio nuts....

Showing 1 response by audiotroy

I have to chime in here you really need to go considerably higher in price to get an integrated amplifier which will beat the Musical Fidelity you have this is still an excellent integrated a little soft on the top and bottom compared to newer designs but still a nice piece.

We have a demo Plinius Hutongha which is a $5700 integrated that will beat the Musical Fidelity, and so would other similarly priced used or demo higher end integrated amplifiers, the Rogue Sphinx is an okay piece which in some ways would be better and in other way not.

The Marantz is a decent piece but again not a better product than what you have a lateral move at best.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ