Integrated amp to drive ProAc 1sc

I am looking for suggestions on Tube or ss integrated amps to drive my 1sc's. Any one with hands on experience please advise me. I am starting from scratch and will be purchasing a turntable and probably a DVD/CD player (for use with video as well as audio) I have purchased the 1sc's and have had a pair in the past. I know there limitations in the spl and bass response and am also considering a powered Sub. I listen to a wide range of music, but tend to stay away from most pop and country. Jazz (elecric and acoustic) Prog rock, folk, adult contemporary (not elevator) and some classical (not often). I don't want to break the bank. I am interested in the VAC Avatar for its ultra liniar/triod switching ability. I am not too sure about low powered SET amps for the reason only that I am conserned about there ability to push these speakers to reasonable volumes.

Thanks in advance!
Amen, Ecclectique and Gunbei. I feel terrible as I almost worked out a deal to sell my 2.5s but I just can't - almost like ending a friendship for no reason. Maybe some day I'll upgrade to Merlin's floorstander but until then...
Hey Tomryan. I'll toast to that, Yeah..... without question, the Merlin is something special, but so is the 2.5.... as well as your lovely wife. cheers!

I'm currently running 1sc with the Audio Note M6 preamp and Audio Note Quest Silver 300B monoblock. Don't be put off by the 9 watts output. There is no problem with dynamic whatsoever. The sound is really magical and gorgeous. I've not heard Soro driving 1sc though, but I would think it should produce good result. I think you must audition them before making the purchase.
Ecclectique - Ever heard the large Merlins (or even small ones) and if so, how do they compare to 2.5s? Also, I remember hearing about 5-6 years ago that some people were modding the 2.5s' crossovers and swearing it simply improved what was already excellent. Heard anything about this?
That's some great experience you've had with the ProAc line with different amps. And your virtual system has me wondering what a vinyl front end might do for me. :•)

It's interesting that so many people such as yourself have had success mating ProAcs with low powered amps. The specs might lead you to think that ProAcs could be a difficult load for an amp, but the positive testimonials over the years seem to disprove this.

I'd read often about the Merlins years back before I bought my first pair of ProAcs. With both the TSM and VSM, isn't there a mod or attachment one can change depending on whether you're using tube or solid state amps?