Integrated Amp that goes well with Triangle Celius

Hello all,
This is going to be my first hi-fi system.
I purchased Triangle Celius ES last week.
Next step is to buy an amp that goes well with the speakers. I heard that the speakers are a little too bright.
CREEK 5350SE, Primare A30.1, ARCAM A75/85 and Krell 300I are on my list.
DO you have any suggestions on these int-amps that will compensate the brightness?
One more thing to say is that my budget is pretty much tight and my first system doesn't have to be perfect.

Thank you,
Running them bridged/mono over one stereo integrated piece to the system (2nd amp). Not nearly as death-defying as it sounds. In fact, bridged/mono integrateds use two less interconnects than using pre and amp. Don't let the fancy terminology fool ya. No more complicated than trying to set up separate preamp and amp. On the Classic One, all I needed do was flip one switch to make them mono. Ughhh! Tough.

Left cd out goes to left amp, to left speaker.

Right cd out goes to right amp, to right speaker.

It's THAT simple. Well, almost. ;) You just have to connect everything right on the speaker connections or you blow it all up! Lost my first house that way! ;)

And then, if you want to run a sub with it, you gotta biwire each mono amp...yeah, second thought, go get a Bose. Glad I could be of help. LOL
Rogue Integarted Cronus($1795 i think).
Iheard this combination and was very impressed how defined and muscial the sound was-very good soundstage also.