Integrated Amp suggestions to go with Gallo Nucleus Reference III?

Greetings. I've been using the Nucleus Reference III speakers from Anthony Gallo Acoustics for about 15 years, and I'm still very happy with them. I have an Arcam A75 Plus Int. Amp (50 watts), and it sounds fine, but I'm sure the Gallos have much more to show me. Thinking about the Peachtree Nova300 and the Rogue Audio Pharaoh. If you have any suggestions for an integrated amp, I'd love to hear them. Many thanks.
Soix, many thanks for all this information! Unison is a new name for me, and I will investigate further. Sadly, I'm not in a position to buy that Unico Due at the moment; damn. But your comments definitely help set me on the right path for further research. Thanks again.
Given what your looking to accomplish, I think a hybrid integrated makes a lot of sense.  The Pharaoh is great, but I don’t know that it’ll give you the warmth you’re looking for.  I had the Medusa (basically the amp section of the Pharaoh I think) in my system, and it was a phenomenally transparent and detailed amp with excellent soundstage capabilities, but warm was not a word I would at all use to describe its sound.  No idea about the Nova. 

What I’d highly recommend is a hybrid from Unison Research.  They have a rep of being nicely detailed yet also warm and musical, which makes me think it could be a perfect match for your tastes and speakers.  It should be a huge improvement over your Arcam in every parameter, and your Gallos will no doubt appreciate and reveal all of it.  There’s a demo Unico Due available here now for $2250 ($3695 retail), and if I’m you I’d seriously consider jumping on it.  Unison tends to fly under the radar here in the US, but read the reviews and you’ll get a good feel for their sound and quality.  Ok, that’s the best I got.  Hope this helps, and best of luck in your search. 
Soix, thanks for the comment. Tough question. I certainly value clarity and detail tremendously, and I have a lot of it, but I'd very much enjoy a warmer, more organic quality to the sound. Orchestral recordings seem to suffer the most with my current rig. Thanks again.
What sound characteristics do you value most, and what are you looking to improve upon over what you have now?