Integrated amp recommendations for harbeth 30.2 XD

Hi - I'm currently using a Rega Aethos integrated amp with my 30.2 XD speakers.  I'd appreciate your comments / recommendation for a better integrated amp.  Some friends suggest that I consider the Luxman 509II or a Moon integrated.   
Your comments are very welcome!

Showing 2 responses by voodoochillin

Oh for sure. I’m just really curious how an amp with a really stout power supply which is necessary for a large class A envelope (but low-ish relative watts) drives these speakers so well. I don’t listen loud enough to get even close to the limits of the amp.
What is it about the "low powered" SS class A amps that get such great results with Harbeths? I've read very positive feedback about Sugden and Luxman, and with my own experience, the Pass Int-25 delivers amazing realism through Shl5+'s. It would seem then that the blanket statement of Harbeths requiring more power to sound good is misleading. Don't want to start a war here, just my observation.