Integrated Amp recommendation for $300 that will balance well with Vandersteen and NAD

I’m looking for a new/used integrated amp that will mate well and balance with my Vandersteen 2C speakers and NAD C542 CD player. My speakers cables and Interconnects are Mogami by 10-Audio.


Some Background:

I recently sold my NAD C370 integrated amp. I liked the sound, but it was a bit dark and veiled when I happen to compare it one day to my buddy’s Denon DRA-625 receiver. Granted, the Denon was more “analytical” sounding, but it was noticeably more open, airy when compared to the C370. Also, it seemed to have better (deeper) bass response. Keep in mind, this is what I heard on my system.

In looking for a new/used integrated, I’m thinking I need something that is bright (brighter) but not harsh that will then balance the Vandersteen’s and mate well with the C542 cd player. My budget for this is $300 max. I was reading about the Acurus DIA-100 and thought this might be a good possibility?

Any other recommendations? Also, my room size is 12x12, and the 2C’s are a pretty consistent 8 ohm speaker. Specs indicate they require 40-160 wpc, so I’m wondering too if some of the 30-40 wpc integrateds would work? The Creek 4040s2 or 4330 come to mind. The C370 was 120wpc and it did crank, but so does the Denon… which is 60wpc. I never listen loud anyway. The room is 12x12, so I don’t need much to get it too loud.

Some other integrateds I’m curious about include: Sony TA-F555ES, Yamaha A-S500, Onkyo A-9050, etc. The Sony TA-F555ES is available locally. Anyone have any experience with the Acurus, or any of these integrated amps? 

Sincerely, JSB


Showing 2 responses by willland

The NAD C542 is a wonderful fast, punchy, detailed CD player.  I am using my 542 with a 2004 NAD T773 AVR and surprisingly, it sounds very nice.  Maybe look for a used NAD C355BEE integrated.  If you want a bit more "neutral", check out a used Cambridge Audio 640Av2.

I also think the Yamaha and Onkyo you mentioned should work out well.

As far as Acurus, I have owned just about every one of the Mondial designs amplifiers and currently own an A200 and A200x3.  Love the sound and build quality.  About as neutral as you can get.  Though I have never owned any of the Acurus integrated amps(DIA-100, DIA-150), I have read nothing but great things about them.


Very nice amp with the Acurus.  If like all the Acurus I have owned, it should provide plenty of punch, great detail, be as neutral as can be, and run cool.
