Integrated amp & player for B&W 804, pls

Hi, All.

I bought B&W Nautilus 804. Now I am in the process of choosing the right gear to drive them. I listened them with Denon 5803, Marantz, Rotel 1065 ... and I did not like what I heard. So, I decided to go with Integrated amplifier. Doing some search I found it seems people like them with Mcintosh 6500, Classe CAP-151. What do you think about these Int amp, or could you recommend something else? And with CD player I am kinda lost. I read NAD got the good scores at What Hi-Fi? magazine but I am not sure. Besides I'd prefer to have 5-CDs changer.

Thanks in advance,
Try the Musical Fidelity A300 150 wpc int. Antony Michaelson is into classical and his amps sound like that. Soundstage did a review on N804 / M-F A300 and called it a symbiotic match or something. Find on A-gon for around $1k.
Ditto the Musical Fidelity recommendation...2 great Brit pieces that work well together...the big, open midrange Brit speakers are famous for plus a very smooth, airy top end...nice combo...I would also avoid NAD cd players...there amps are very good for the money...and has always been there "bread n butter"...also...if possible...stick to single load CDP...changers have far too many moving parts...which can cause reliability issues...the original REGA...another Brit piece...can be found for under $500 used....and is built like a tank ...good luck...

How Musical Fidelity compares to McIntosh?

How can find Musical Fidelity dealer in US for auditioning? Their website is not any helpful.

I've used an NAD 751 for a couple years now with the 804s. It has been a temporary holder until I decide/can afford the right pre-amp and amp combination. The NAD has been very good. I'm sure it doesn't get the full capability out of the speaker, but the sound is still great. I think the 751 is now the 761, which has more power. The CD player I'm using is a Naim CD5 (which made a huge difference from my previous player).
I'm using Musical Fidelity separates with my N804s. Sounds magnificent. MF and B&W work VERY well together. Go for the MF.