Integrated amp for Quad 22L?

I am looking for an integrated amp, preferably used, to drive the Quad 22L speakers. I listen primarily to rock(70%) - classic, alternative, modern & some classical - instrumental, indian fusion(20%) & vocal(10%). I prefer a warm sound, with a good, tight bass, nice mids and smooth highs. The speakers will be in a small room(15'x12') placed along the width.

Budget is 1K & I am fine with either SS or tube but have never owned a tube product, so I am unsure about maintenance. Since I have a limited budget for now, I plan to use a Roku soundbridge playing my cd's ripped to FLAC/WAV from htpc.

- The 22L is rated 89dB at 6 ohms. What is the minimum power requirements for the amp? I don't play music at rock-the-house levels but need something which delivers impact on music like Zeppelin, Pink Floyd etc.
- I would like to use the optical out on the Roku. Are there any integrated amps which have digital input(coax or optical)?
- If I wanted to add a subwoofer in the future, can an integrated amp provide the necessary pre-out?

I should add that the dealer was driving them with a Quad cd player & pre-pro. He suggested that Arcam would also be a good match. How about NAD, Rotel & the Outlaw receiver(RR2150)?
I'm definitely in agreement with you regarding the Cayin TAD-30 being an excellent amp as I still have mine and am reluctant to sell it. Mine only has the focus control, no extended bias and I am currently thinking about sending it back to him to see if he would be willing to to that mod as well as the external bias. I'm currently using Paul's Tad 1000 monoblocks paired with his Tad 150 preamp and won't be looking back anytime soon.
Srinivos: Did you ever choose something? I'm looking at doing the Outlaw for my bedroom system with Blue Minipods and my 37" LCD connected to my Media Center.. I thought that buy using the USB direction connection I save the cost of my Squeezebox or other device, plus the bass controls are key as I need to use a sub. I've heard those speakers and they sound great.. especially as you pull them out into the room.

With the USB connection you can use Media Player, Itunes, Foobar, etc.. Softsqueeze (frontend client to freeware slimserver)
Curious as to what you decided on?
That's a coincidence. I just checked this thread after more than a month & there's a new post.


I went with the Audio Refinement Complete Integrated based on multiple recommendations. I bought it used on audiogon & it has been a great match so far. I moved it from the hall to a spare room & am experimenting with speaker position right now. How far from the side & back walls do you have your Quads?

I also bought an USB DAC on ebay made by MHDT Labs, a mfr in Taiwan. So I can use the Roku & Oppo DVD player along with a laptop as source components.
Srinivos: I heard the Quads like 3' off the back wall and almost 1 foot of the side walls in a near field arrangement and it was pretty amazing...the speakers were 2/3 into the room, Rule of thirds is pretty good. with the seating position on the back wall to minimize bass problems. It's a really really different sound.. huge depth with this method.

Nice Setup and the Oppo players are a bargain!
I owned these fine speakers for 1 year. The Arcam A-85 integrated was a great match, with its subtle tone controls. Also had the small Cayin amp - great match - but the Arcam was more adequate.

Good luck!