Integrated amp for less than$2500,your suggestion

Hi, I have been contemplating of buying a better Integrated amp to replace my NADC370. I would prefer warmer,smoother
,musical and full-bodied sounding unit.My budget is for not more than $2500.My system:Quadral Ascent850,3 way-floorstander,89dB(4-8ohm);Analysis Plus Oval 9 spkr cable;TruthLink IC(harmonic tech);AhNjoeTjoeb 4000CDP(Amperex7308 tubes,Upsampling). Your suggestion is highly appreciated and thanks in advance

Showing 1 response by aball

Warm, musical, and full-bodied is exactly how I would describe the new McIntosh components compared to a lot of others. There are many happy owners of the integrated MA6900 and MA6500 on this site that rave about them. I would suggest you check them out too. They will be in your price range if used. I have McIntosh separates but if I were to get an integrated, I would get the 6900. Sounds like you like a similar sound as me so Classe 151, BAT 300x, and JRDG Concentra are also possiblities. I just like the McIntosh sound the best however - and the meters are awesome at night. Happy hunting! Arthur