Integrated Amp for Dynaudio Special 40

I have recently picked up a great pair of Special 40s - unfortunately I am currently powering them with a Marantz sr5014 AV receiver and I am looking to upgrade to a dedicated integrated amp.  I have read quite a bit about it already and have narrowed it down a bit.  My source, for now, will primarily be a Linn Axis I inherited with a new Adikt cartridge.  I may do some streaming as well but it is less important.  I am open to either used or new and leaning towards used so I can get the most bang for my buck.  The list I considering is below:

  • Ayre ex8
  • Moon 340i /i3.3
  • Plinius Hautonga
  • Roksan Blak
  • Belles Aria
Unfortunately I've not been able to listen to any since my local shop is sort of only half open during these times.  I know there's a big price swing but on the use market most of these I can find for under 3k (apart from the Ayre).  I'm very much on a budget but want something I could live with for the long haul.  Any ideas out there - many thanks in advance!!

Showing 1 response by geof3

The Hegel H390 is out of the $$ range, but is a great int. Look at the H190. Gives you what you want, in the budget. Excellent Int for the $$$.