Integrated Amp advice please someone help me


I'm in deep "analysis paralysis" and can't seem to pull the trigger on a new integrated amp. Would love to hear your opinions... i'd like to spend no more than $700...

I'm considering:

Creek 4330 (used)
Arcam a65plus (new)
Rotel RA-02 (new)
Musical Fidelity A3 (Kevin @upscale sez a good match and he's selling em' for $850. a bit too rich for my blood though)
Roksan Caspian (used)
Audio Refinement Complete (if i can find one used)

My system now:
NAD 3020a (old, ailing, on its last leg)
Ah! Njoe Tjoeb CDP (brand new)
Clarity Labs Emberglow ICs
Beovox s45 speakers (From the 70s, soon to upgrade)\


(i listen to every concievable kind of music. Ideally i'd love to achieve a significant improvement over the NAD)

Showing 1 response by s7horton

From personal experience I would say stay away from hybrid designs. I've owned two and didn't care for either one. (Pathos and Anthem). I would also say, start hunting for an Audio Refinement. I have one and it's the best amplifier I've owned. Contrary to what others think, I think this amplifier is not under powered at all. It may have to do with the fact that I live in an apartment, use monitor speakers, and don't play music extremely loud. I'm not real sure. The Musical Fidelity would probably be a good one, but like you, it's a little much for me.