insurance and shipping with UPS

I recently shipped a Levinson 432 amplifier with UPS.I brought it to UPS and requested that they box it. It was insured. During transit UPS dropped the amplifier and pretty much destroyed it. I offered to pay for repairs, however the buyer had no interest in purchasing the item. UPS inspected the damaged amplifier and denied my claim, insisting  the  amplifier was not properly packaged. Corporate denied responsibility and said the issue was between myself and the UPS franchise that shipped it. I've been dealing with the franchise for a month and they are fighting with corporate in an attempt to adjudicate the issue. Meanwhile, I've repaid the buyer and have had  no relief from UPS. The UPS website clearly states that if a franchise boxed the item they are responsible. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to resolve this issue, other than hiring an attorney? UPS seems to be somewhat of a scam operation. I did not realize that all UPS offices were franchises and am wondering why anyone would ship anything of value with them.

Showing 13 responses by spin4cards

If it is not considered too off topic, I have a question that may be best addressed by the retired postmaster kqvkq9 although I certainly welcome comments by anyone who cares to chime in. I have a small brick and mortar sports collectible business that I have owned and operated in the same location for 28 years. Naturally, I have insurance for my business and I pay a premium for that insurance. I must repeat, I pay for the insurance for my business. I use the USPS on a daily basis shipping mostly small, First Class packages and a few Priority Mail packages that can weigh up to 20 pounds . These type packages are very easy to package safely. The values on these packages range from $10.00 to $4,000.00. My question is this...If I pay the USPS their fee, which is based on weight and distance, to deliver a package, which is their job, why must I pay them extra to "Insure" that they do the job that I just paid them to do?! This of course holds true also for UPS, FedEx etc..
In response to Builder3's post...I'm still not buying it... I paid you (USPS, FedEx etc.) to do your job which is simply to deliver a package. If you can't deliver it safely and in a timely fashion then you need to do something about it. That "Something About It" would not be to make billions of dollars by charging the customer in case you screw up. Very convenient arrangement wouldn't you say?
"KQVQ9", the retired postmaster said in an earlier post... "What do you expect for 50 cents"? I expect you to do your job regardless of what the package is presumed to be worth. What do you get when you multiply that 50 cents times billions, yes that's right, billions of packages? You get billions and billions and billions and billions of dollars! I think for those kind of numbers we should not have to worry about theft or damage.
They may not willingly accept responsibility but they should. Of course, they never will.  
Yep, that's what I thought. Another self righteous, condescending disrespectful a-goner who thinks he is smarter than the other person.
Well sir, let the record show that I never once referred to you as a buffoon.

All I said was.... I paid you your fee (USPS) to deliver a package. You (USPS) insure it. Not me. For saying simply that, you have clowns like hifijones jumping in claiming that I live in a "parallel universe" and that I should cancel my effen car insurance! Those are ignorant, condescending smart-ass remarks. Then, when I put them in their place with my next post, my post gets removed but their condescending BS post towards me remains. BTW, if I am not knowledgeable enough to even have a discussion with, why did you bother to post this message as if I would not see it? That was a rhetorical question.
Dear uberwaltz and crazyeddy ........"I Love You Man"!

hifijones and kqvkq9.... not so much... lol
Builder3 responds to my earlier post...".Anyone that goes on about the billions and billions, etc, that the post office gets isn’t knowledgeable enough to even have a discussion with. They go billions in the hole every year. If they were in fact, a "business", like kqvkq9 suggested, they lights would’ve been turned off a couple of decades ago. Spin, by your logic, you apparently should be able to also get car insurance or homeowner’s insurance the same way? One flat fee, like buying a cheese sandwich? Don’t be ridiculous.The ironic part always is how quickly someone like you would understand fully and completely, were the shoe on the other foot.".......Dear Builder3, You seem to know a bit about the financial woes of the USPS so tell me, according to kqvkq9, the retired postmaster who says that they deliver billions and billions of 50 cent packages which of course equals billions and billions and billions of dollars, how do they manage to do such a fantastic job and yet end up, as you stated, billions of dollars in the RED every single stinkin' year?! On the surface that would seem preposterous at best!  Thank you for your time and consideration.
Builder3....BTW, I was not trying to compare a cheese sandwich to any type of insurance such as home, auto, boat, motorcycle or mustaches.
My point all along has simply been......are you ready? goes......drum roll please!...... WE SHOULDN'T HAVE TO PAY FOR ANY GOSH DARN INSURANCE PERIOD!....Sorry for shouting but sometimes a man's got to do what he's got to do. I believe that was either Jimmy Hoffa or Yosemite Sam that said that. I forget which.
BTW, I asked for a response from Builder3 not you. Oh well maybe we'll still hear from Builder3. The good news is that you signed off on your last post by saying...."Over And Out".  Boy was that music to my ears.
"This naperaudio guy has got some issues eh?"

And I always thought that I was the "King of Sarcasm"  
Hey fleschler,

We don't operate here by Parliamentary Procedure. 
Go make yourself some popcorn and listen to a Tony Orlando record.
A long time ago, in a land not so far away, a much smarter and funnier man than me made this profound statement...
" I would never want to belong to a club that would have me as a member". See ya...wouldn't want to be ya.