Insider or Outsider? To be or not to be,...?

Thoughts and feedback on the New Insider Lobby?

Showing 3 responses by jayh

Reminds me of the TV show, can’t remember the name, where next to the city bus stop bench, they put up a “elite bus stop bench” where for a few extra bucks you sat on essentially the same bus stop becnch, but roped off from the riff raff by the classic velvet ropes- the outcome?
many said it offered “added value”,& was worth the premium- go figure.
A friend of mine once said:” There’s a chair for every ass- ya just gotta find it.”
I was until now, totally unaware that I “joined”- autopilot UNLESS we opt - out?
HOW do we opt- out?
I guess it’s a conspiracy to swell the numbers of the “insiders”?
(Or maybe I just got on my phone, having had one too many- My bad)
Seriously, folks, why did us Bluebook subscribers automatically roll over into “Insiders”?
Is it as simple as they already had our credit card numbers from Bluebook and they could?
I certainly don’t know.
But I think we all should be having a very close look at our credit card statements.
I will state very clearly I am not a volunteer- I am a conscript, or worse- I have been Shanghai ‘d.
The real question is did Adiogon only charge us all $10 for the 1st mo or did they assume all “Bluebookers” would prefer the “discounted rate “ of $100/yr?
”Off with their head’s, off w their head’s, off w their head’s!!!( & so forth)