inserting 2 channel preamp

Not happy with 2 channel sound from home theater setup using Pioneer Elite SC-68. Thinking of inserting a good 2 channel preamp, or dac/preamp or integrated preamp. Any suggestions or experience with any of the above?

Showing 1 response by paraneer

Suggestions? How much do you want to spend? There are dozens of models to improve your 2 channel listening with an AVR.

Consider a 2 channel preamp with an HT Bypass feature but you'll need a separate 2 channel power amp for the L/R mains if you go this route. If you use an integrated, you'll have both pre and power in one box for your L/R mains. The AVR is freed up to power center and surrounds only; something you wouldn't use anyway for 2 channel listening. Whichever way you go, just make sure the preamp or integrated has a Home Theater Bypass feature allows for seamless integration with your AVR. You do not even have to level match with most of them, just push a button on the preamp or integrated and the volume control is bypassed and you control everything from the AVR for HT usage. For 2 channel, the AVR stays off and you use the preamp or integrated only with its volume control.

Like Peter above, my system is configured this way too and check out the pics here on Audiogon too.