Input ground loop hum only when p10 cables or XLR without phantom power are connected

I own a Scarlett 2i4 (USB interface) and all of a sudden a ground loop appeared that only makes noise when p10 cables or XLR cables without phantom power (when I turn it on, it disappears) are connected. I’ve changed the cables several times and nothing seems to work. Please help!

Just re-read through your configuration description. The inputs on the Scarlett 2i4 are balanced, but you might try switching the input switch to "INST" below the input. Otherwise, you might try building the Cable #14 (make sure the mono plug is connected to the guitar/bass and the balanced 3-pin plug is connected to Scarlett -- you essentially have to disconnect the groud/shield wire on the balanced plug).

One quick thing you could try here is to disconnect the power cord from your laptop and try running a recording session using the laptop battery power only. If this removes the ground-loop hum, you might need a usb galvanic isolation adapter between your laptop and the Scarlett.

So what is your output? How do you hear the hum? Headphones? Speakers?

So on your inputs.... if you use ONLY XLR to XLR cables,  you get a hum?? Or do they have to be connected to an instrument or mic?


Yeah, I've tried that, when I disconnect the power cord the hum vanishes...But if the problem is in the USB cable, why does the output sound perfect when there's nothing plugged into the Scarlett inputs? (I've tried switching the USB cable from the interface, and problem persists...haven't tried the galvanic isolation adapter)
One quick thing to check is unplug your USB input and see if the problem goes away. If so, you'll need the USB isolator from my blog page, or one like it.


Erik, I hear it through my headphones, I have no speakers...I do hear the hum when the cables alone are connected, although they're much louder when I plug instruments/mics