Innuous Zenith MK3

I’m shopping around for a server/streamer and became interested in the innuous MK3.

I noticed that the price of this was about $1600 less three years ago than it is today. Is it the exact same product that it was three years ago and has just gone up in price?  Is that in line with the price increases that other hi-fi equipment has seen?


Unless you have a time machine the price three years ago doesn't matter. I seem to remember there was banter about the chipset Innuos chose as it was not the latest or fastest, and there was a story that it was chosen to meet the parameters of power to suit the application (server/steamer/control app) but is also less noisy than other more powerful CPUs. As a company they seem to have it together. Roon has some features that I love but Sense comes close. It sounds great, has an intuitive layout and it is free. Forget the speeds and feeds and give it an unbiased listen. 

Thanks all. Sounds like there are many happy MKIII owners out there. I've recently acquired a loaner Aurender N200. I do like its SQ when playing DSD files from its internal SSD using the Conductor app, and prefer that over streaming with Roon. However the Conductor app isn't as intuitive or convenient as Roon. I'll have to give the MKIII a try if the opportunity comes up.

@mintakax - I’ve also been very happy with mine. In the context of my system, I think it sounds great. And the Sense software has been incredibly reliable compared to another streamer from a different company that I have in my office. 


My next upgrade will be for the Innuos USB reclocker to hopefully push the performance even higher. 

@mintakax - You are welcome. I find it incredibly useful to learn from the experiences of folks on this forum. When I’ve had a positive experience with a company or product, I like to share it with the group. Innuos is a well run company with stellar product and service.

Let us know how things go with your next steps!